In a collaboration that honors both nature’s wonder and rich history, CHANDON Garden Spritz x BLOOM pays homage to New York City’s first Botanical Garden and invites visitors through an unparalleled sensory experience inside Rockefeller Center. Like CHANDON’s meticulous sourcing of sustainable ingredients, BLOOM welcomes guests into a vibrant wonderland, accentuating the marvels of our natural realm.

Open 12PM -8PM (9PM Thursdays). CLOSED Tuesday.

Garden Spritz also available at these locations:

Garden Spritz also available at these locations:

Morton Williams Wine & SpiritsWest 42 Wine & SpiritsYorkshire W&S9th Avenue Wines & LiquorAmsterwine120 West 58th Street Wine and LiquorGrape Wisdome WinesSchumersThe Wine EmporiumOak& SteelShon 45 Wine & SpiritsNAROSmith & Mills